George Eliot Review Issue 47: 2016

Issue 47 of the George Eliot Review
Notes on Contributors 2016
Riding Horses in Middlemarch
George Eliot Memorial Lecture, 2015: "On Writing Neo-Victorian Fiction: James Miranda Barry (1999) and Sophie and the Sybil (2015)
The Radical Candidature: Harold Transome's Political Motivation in Felix Holt
Between 'Silly Novels' and Vegetation Myths: George Eliot's Subversive Use of the Two Suitors Convention in Middlemarch
Woman's freedom consists in choosing the husband who is to be her master': Existentialism and the Female Slave in Daniel Deronda
Two Sequels to Daniel Deronda
George Eliot's Afterlife: Dinitia Smith's The Honeymoon and Diana Souhami's Gwendolen
In Janet Dempster's Footsteps: A Reminiscence
Conference Report, Annual George Eliot Conference University of London, 2015: "Daniel Deronda"
Bill Adams: A Tribute
Obituary: Barbara Hardy
Remembering Barbara Hardy
A Tribute to Barbara Hardy
Barbara Hardy: Recollections
Barbara Hardy in France
An American Tribute to Barbara Hardy
Barbara Hardy on Dickens
Review of Middlemarch in Spring Opera by Allen Shearer and Claudia Stevens
Editors' Note
The Egyptian Sorcerer in Adam Bede
Annual Report - 2015
Japanese Branch Report 2015 View all 23 items